Curling the Roarin' Game started in Glenorchy in 1874 when a group of local farmers met in the Dalmally Hotel to set up the Breadalbane Glenorchy Curling Club. Most of the villages and towns in the Breadalbane lands set up a Curling Club, and joined together to form the Breadalbane League. Glenorchy created an outdoor Curling Pond, which disappeared when the new road went through, but they also played on the river. There are not many outdoor ponds now, as the climate is warmer but you can see an active one at Killin, and a disused one at Inveraray.
Nowadays curling is played on indoor Rinks. We have to travel a minimum of 40 miles, often much more, and we are only a dozen or so regular players, all a little aged. Even so, we enjoy our Curling Season from November to March every year, and wait for the day when one of us wins enough on the Lottery to build us a rink of our own. A short history of the Club is available from the Secretary on 01866 833 362.